Saturday, July 7, 2012

Traffic in Chennai

As promised, here is a video of our car ride. Unfortunately we went to the law firm today, so it is a short video and there's not much going on. But even here, you can see some unique things. Note:
  • The honking! You can't see the front of the car, but look at all of the people passing and how close the buses get. 
  • There are only two lanes, but bikers and small cars will find a way around anything.
  • The limit to the number of people on a bike is 2, but entire families could be riding, and there are no seat belts.
  • The speed limit doesn't exist, but the speed is determined by the traffic. Typically the fluctuation you see in the speed is due to too many people, not stop lights.
Also, I didn't put the music in there, that is what our driver was listening to!

Did you see:
  • The small yellow vehicles? Those are called (in slang terms) "tuk tuks". They're fairly cheap. Less than 100 rupees, or roughly $2.
  • Bikes are more common on the roads because they're much cheaper.
  • Everything is written in english (pause the video to see more clearly)
  • There are no Americans, so we're a pretty big deal.
Aside from the ride, more is happening in India. Last night the other American students from various Christian colleges came (39 of them) to the hotel. They're staying for 10 days. They're in a study abroad program where they travel around the world in 10 weeks. This is their 10th country and their next stop is China! It was nice having them because we actually got somewhat of an American meal last night. There was actually BEEF at dinner (although it tasted more like sausage)! And today we're going shopping with them.

I'm enjoying my time here but certianly missing America too. Please feel free to call me anytime, and leave a voice mail with your name so I know who it is. Typically I can only talk late at night or early in the morning (american time) but it's always nice to hear a friend or family members voice. My number is in my second blog post. :)

The law firm provides everyone with lunch everyday!
 For comic relief, our friend Presana showed us this indian comedian, check him out! CLICK HERE


  1. Nice review about the Chennai traffic.

  2. What happens at intersections? How do they decide who will turn first?

  3. It cracks me up when that guy turns and looks pretty much directly at you and then drives off.
